
Date: 17/06/2021

Hours: 6

Total hours: 160

This first client was a formative assessment for a 2nd year therapist to practice massage for their clinical hours. This was a massage at the upper fibres of the traps.

The 2nd session was for a client with a client who is suffering with some LBP and sciatic P. Treatment provided was for massage at the lower back and glutes. The clinical impression for this was Suspected Discogenic pathology. The plan for this client was to progress home based exercise to reduce P and increase ROM. As well as recommend sleeping techniques to improve sleep pattern. Special test to confirm piriformis syndrome.

The next client was for a client who experienced anterior ankle P which can radiate up then shins. They have a history of ankle sprains and experiences some P in dorsiflexion movements. The clinical impression for this was chronic ankle instability. The client was booked for a face-to-face appointment where they will then receive an objective assessment and exercise prescription to help increase strength at the ankles and proprioception.

The final client was an online triage for a client with knee P after suffering trauma during a snowboarding accident 4/5 years ago. Pt mentions that weight baring causes P and struggles to stand for long periods of time. The clinical impression for this injury was a meniscal tear at the R knee. The client was booked for a face-to-face appointment where AROM of the Knee, Ankle and Hips. PROM, RROM, Palpations and Special tests will be completed. Activity modification  to reduce activities to facilitate pain relief can be applied and exercise Prescription to increase strength will also be completed.

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