
Date: 19/05/2021

Hours: 6

Total hours: 73

The first appointment I the clinic was a follow up appointment with a client who had previously been seen for their left shoulder pain which refers down her left arm. The client previously had a reduction in Abd, Fl, and ER, which was still present however client reports that this is improving and there has been a reduction in pain.

After assessment, soft tissue massage was applied to the upper fibres of the traps and the rotator cuff of the left shoulder. During treatment it was noticeable that there was a significant difference between the left shoulder and the right, with multiple trigger points and tenderness located at the upper fibres of the traps and superior boarder of the scapula. NMT was applied to help release this with the muscle relaxing significantly with treatment.

After massage mobilisations and PA was performed at the Tx approximately T1-T4. Grades 2/3 were used to help relief stiffness and pain at the spinout processes. After treatment the client found a significant decrease in pain and increased ROM.

Zoe for assessment of shoulder and massage to left upper trap, some mobs. Cx radiculopathy/shoulder impingement


Client was seen for right knee pain which was localised at the medical side of the knee. The client also has a history of osteoarthritis in the left foot which may have contributed towards this due to the change in gait pattern.

Assessment of the right knee included clearing the right hip and ankle to rule out pathology. Objective assessment of active fl, ext, IR, ER of the knee and then passive.

Clinical impression was medial meniscus partial tear.

Treatment provided was ultrasound at the medial meniscus for 5 mins, continuous and at 1mhz.

Plan was for further ultrasound treatment the following day for the same settings.

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