
Date: 22/06/2021

Hours: 5

Total hours: 183

This session in the clinic began with a face-to-face session with a client who has been suffering with low back pain after increasing their activity at the gym recently. The client reports that the night before they were completing heavy deadlifts where they found an increase in P after the activity. Upon objective assessment, there was no decrease in ROM or not pain in any hip or Lx movements. Treatment provided was STM to the lower back focusing around the QL muscles where there was some tightness.

The next session was an online appointment with a client who had symptoms of sciatica. The client explained how they had symptoms which radiates from the right glute and down to their right foot. They report that laying down helps to relieve pain but sitting for long periods then standing aggravates pain. The clinical impression for this client was piriformis syndrome due to the area of pain. Treatment provided was exercises via email which consisted of book under bum, knees to chest and piriformis stretch. These exercises can be progressed or regressed depending on the client’s pain and symptoms during their next appointment.

The final session was with a client who had recently been experiencing knee pain after completing a round of golf. Objective assessment was carried out looking at AROM, PROM, RROM and palpation. treatment provide was exercise based where isometric knee extension was provided to help increase strength in this movement, banded flexion, and step ups to help increase overall strength of the lower extremity. Some advice and activity modification were also provided to help decrease P during physical activity.


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