
Date: 24/06/2021

Hours: 6

Total hours: 191

This session was in the Marjon clinic. The first client was for a wrist injury and potential rheumatoid arthritis of the wrist due to the client’s age. However, the client did not attend to the appointment so further research and CPD was completed in wrist anatomy and arthritis as well as further planning for the day’s other patients.

The next client was for a knee injury which has not fully healed after a torn LCL ligament 6 years ago. The client is suspected to be using fear avoidance and as such is experiencing pain in the knee after sitting for long periods and then standing. The client aims to complete longer walks on Dartmoor soon and has recently been going to the gym. Objective assessment involved AROM, PROM, RROM and palpation. Special tests for the meniscus were completed to help rule out this injury, however these were all negative. The client was also advised to complete some more mindfulness activities due to a stressful job and lack of sleep recently, advice to improve sleep was also provided to help reduce stress and anxiety towards work and their injury.

The final client was a face to face follow up for a shoulder injury which has been aggravating the client after painting and decorating their house and has been affecting them when they play tennis. They have a decrease in ROM during any overhead movements which also causes pain within the painful arc. Objective assessment was carried out with AROM, PROM, RROM and palpation where there was pain in abd and ER. Upon palpation there was no pain however there was some chronic tightness within the neck and traps. STM was applied to the traps to help decrease tightness and pain. Some METs were also provided to help increase ROM and decrease P at the traps. Exercise prescription was also provided where the clients current exercises were reviewed as to whether they need to be regressed/progressed. The current exercises were continued however the addition of banded ER and side lying ER was provided to help increase strength in ER of the shoulder. Isometric bicep curls were also provided to help increase strength at the bicep tendon and decrease pain due to the client also showing some signs of a bicep tendinopathy after completing the bicep speeds test which was positive.


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