January 2019 archive

Equipment is removed from health clinic in full operation

Patients at the Paulino Werneck Municipal Health Center on Governor’s Island found themselves in the middle of a muddle of confusion this morning (10).

While the attendants were in full steam, a truck from Viva Rio, Social Organization responsible for the management of the unit, stopped ahead and the employees were instructed to remove furniture and equipment to be taken to the Newton Alves Cardoso Polyclinic.

The action is part of the municipal health restructuring plan, which, among other things, provides for the dismissal of 184 family health teams.

The shout was great, and residents of the region rushed to trigger local politicians – including the deputy mayor of the City Council and co-religionist of the mayor Marcelo Crivella (PRB), Tânia Bastos.

In a publication on Facebook, the girl thanked the intervention of the Secretary of Health, Ana Beatriz Busch, so that the change – without notice – was suspended and the activities of attendance returned to normal.

And put the confusion in the OS account.

Already, Vivo Rio, about to leave the management of Paulino Werneck, says that he acted at the behest of the city hall itself, through the Health Coordination of the Program Area – and that, under contract, could not disobey the orders. source: articlesonhealth.net

Whatsapp will show ads on both the Iphone and Android

WhatsApp, which is the largest messaging platform in the world and has about 1.5 billion users, until recently had no explicit way of monetizing, even though it was bought by Facebook. But in August, the company announced that next year will start to show ads in status. First, the novelty would target only iPhone users, but now it is already known that the advertisements will also be shown on the Android phones.

Implementation should be cautious. At first, companies can use WhatsApp Business to send product delivery information, appointment reminders, and event tickets. The messages will have a fixed price per confirmed delivery, which will range from half a cent to $ 0.09 depending on the country.source: pc-mind.com

Do Adult Coloring Books Really Alter Brain Activity?

The big buzz in the publishing industry right now is The Secret Garden: Coloring Book and Treasure Hunt, by British author Johanna Basford, released in Brazil by Sextant at the end of last year. The book was the third best-seller in the country in March – more than 22,000 copies in total, 14,000 only in the last week of the month.

The success here follows the numbers registered in other countries: on Amazon, The Secret Garden is the best seller in the books category; on Amazon Canada, only lost the first place to Enchanted Forest, by the same author. And even the South Korean version of the book topped the list of bestsellers throughout the month of January, according to the Korea Publishers Society. Several publishers, especially in Europe, have bet on the genre.

The English Michael O’Mara Books began publishing coloring books in 2012, but it was last year that saw the fashion caught, with more than 300,000 copies sold. “We were already publishing coloring books for kids, but we started getting reports from parents who also liked them,” says Ana McLaughlin, the publisher’s advertising and marketing manager.

Unlike children’s books, adult books have more complex patterns. Themes range from gardens and mandalas to celebrities, such as those of illustrator Mel Elliot, also English, who bets on books with drawings of famous (that of the American heartthrob Ryan Gosling is a bestseller).

“I think the trend started with the interactive books, such as Destroy this diary, which was very successful. Since then, people have been looking for a way to interact with books and make them more personalized, “says Nana Vaz de Castro, Sextante’s procurement manager.

There is a thesis, however, which for now seems to be the most accepted: that they function as a kind of detox, an escape valve for stressful routines. “It’s really relaxing because when you focus on coloring right or choosing colors, the person actually seems to forget about the problems of the day,” says McLaughlin. “In addition, it still has the advantage that you can not color and tinker at the same time.”

BEAUTY IS FUNDAMENTAL The feeling of pride or satisfaction in completing the painting and watching how it looks beautiful is also another possible explanation since the books activate the reward circuit of the brain, the system responsible for the sensation of pleasure. When stimulated, it releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that causes the feeling of well-being (see below). “But it is not all the tasks that activate this system, which has developed over millions of years to impel us to perform actions useful for self-preservation and preservation of the species, such as feeding and reproducing,” explains neurologist Marino M Bianchin, of the Hospital de Clínicas of Porto Alegre.

Everything that involves manual work or art also stimulates creativity and concentration. When working with colors, the result is even better, as they can cause various sensations, such as heat, cold and tranquility. Bianchin explains that this is inherited from our ancestors, who from seeing fire, for example, started to associate red with heat.

But, although they cause a sense of pleasure and well-being, books can not be regarded as therapy, as explained by the art therapists Ana Carmen Nogueira and Alexandre Almeida. “In art therapy, there is a specific subject to be worked on, and we use different languages, such as painting or drawing, so that the person can express himself,” says Almeida. “Coloring books are not therapy, but they are relaxing because they help provide a moment of pure concentration,” adds Ana Carmen. That is, books can even work as a painkiller for stressful situations, but they have no miracle power to cure problems like depression or anxiety – unless you own a publisher and are earning a lot more than you expect thanks to new fashion. source: coloringpagebase.com

Ludmilla Explains Reason For Having Assumed Curly Hair And Cites Capillary Transition

Din din din, Ludmilla took over the curls, yes! The singer showed fans last Tuesday that curly hair is as powerful as her voice. The Carioca, who exhibited the novelty in Instagram, talked with EXTRA about the process of hair transition. Until then, it was rare for Lud to show the wires naturally. Now, fans can get ready for a new woman.

I did a lot of hair. So I had to go through the transition again. It’s very big now, really. He was hoping to sign a contract with a cosmetics brand to advertise. I’ll use it straight like that, “says Ludmilla, 23.

The singer explains that she wore wigs and appliques because she did procedures that damaged her hair:

“For a long time, I’ve ruined my hair. I ended up passing a cream that was not moisturizing, but smoothing. My luck is that I am lazy and I did not go through a fuse, as it had to be; I put my hand in the pot and hit the head. Then my friend warned me and I took it. When I did this, the wires were already getting a little stretched. The days went by and the curls did not come back!

Ludmilla shows new look after hair transition
Ludmilla shows new look after capillary transition Photo: truehairstyle.com

Singer lives special career moment

Since 2018, there is not a month when a Ludmilla song is not in the crowd’s mouth. Now, it is the turn of the funkeira partnership with Simone & Simaria, “Quality of life” . In 2018, she had already filmed “Din Din Din”, “Solta a Batida”, “Não Escosta”, “Jogando Sujo” and “Clichê” (this, in partnership with Felipe Araújo, is theme of the couple protagonist of “The Seventh guardian, “Globo). As if that were not enough, she is already considered the black Brazilian artist of greatest projection in Instagram, with 12.3 million followers.

– It’s a huge responsibility! Imagine millions of people accompanying you every day … But I am very happy to be a reference for the black girls and women of my country. When I started, I had no one to mirror. I followed my intuition and researched what was going on legal abroad. That’s how Beyoncé came into my life. I wanted to sing my provocative funk, change my hair and wear bold makeup, but I did not see any famous Brazilian so, who represented me. I like to post photos and write positive things because I know there are people who need those incentives, “says Ludmilla.

Meghan Tetravó Markle worked in the kitchen of Windsor Castle

Documents from the British royal family reveal that the Duchess of Sussex’s tetrazo, Meghan Markle, worked as a cook at Windsor Castle, where the American actress married Prince Harry in May of this year. The information is from the newspaper “The Mirror”.

Since the end of 2017, the local press has reported that Meghan’s parents on the part of her father had the information that matriarch Mary Bird had worked for the Crown, but as a cleaner. At the time, former US Air Force Colonel Ken Barbi, whose wife Susan is a second-degree cousin to Meghan’s father, Thomas, revealed the information.

The name “M.Bird”, however, appears in some archives of Royal House staff at Windsor Castle as an employee of the estate kitchen in 1856, the same time Mary was still in England.

Mary was married to Thomas Bird, who served the British Army in Ireland and India. The couple moved to Malta years later, and settled in the country for about 20 years. Meghan’s great-great-grandmother, who was also called Mary, was born in the country. Mary Bird migrated to Canada after her husband’s death, and soon after settled in New Hampshire, USA.

In 2015, Meghan made a trip to Malta and told the press on the occasion that the visit to the site “was mainly about trying to understand where I come from, my identity.”

Source: westmainkitchen.com

Learn The Make-up That Is Trend This Summer, In Copper Tones And Caramel

Summer has arrived. More than ever, less is more. Or, as Mário Campioli, a teacher at Campi Makeup School in Rio, prefers to say …

– In 2019, less is less! – says the specialist, who shows here the makeup that is the face of the station: – The make covers with caramel comes with everything this summer. She is neutral, has a washed face, only giving an “up” in the visual. Copper will be the new nude of the season!

For Campioli, the tip of the time is to use in the makeup a good technique of correction, without being apparent. And it is worth working the metallic tones, using the colors with elegance and harmony.

“Light skin, without too many products, is what makes the difference,” says Campioli.

Oh, and to go with it, there’s nothing better than wearing your hair stuck in a very stylish ponytail. Everything to do with summer!

Keeping the house free from mold and dust

Who suffers from constant bouts of sneezing, itchy throat, nose and eyes, knows how uncomfortable it is to live in a dusty, musty house. If you think that the daily cleaning of the surroundings and the use of a few decoration elements will improve the allergic crises, you are on the right path. But you do not have to leave the house bare of objects and spend the day eliminating any dust from the house. The important thing is to maintain discipline in cleaning the correct way, without giving up comfort. Check out a list of tips given by the specialist of the Brazilian Association of Allergy and Immunopathology in Rio (Asbai-RJ), Flavia Janolio, to have a healthy home:

Thatched timbered house on the old main street 

Floors and walls

For cleaning the floor, enough bucket, water and a cloth. And no broom. That’s it. According to Flávia, when sweeping an environment, some of the dust is suspended in the environment for up to eight hours, which favors rather the sneezing, and prevents the place is properly cleaned. Therefore, dirt deposited on the floor should be removed only with a damp cloth. The same goes for the walls. No need to use cleaning agent.

The floor coverings may be cold or polyurethane and, as for the wall, there is no contraindication as long as they are dishwasher safe.

If possible, get rid of the rugs, because even the antiallergics, although they do not let loose, are great deposits of dust. Do not think that the vacuum cleaner can be salvation. It cleans the dust only superficially.

Cleaning products

In a house of allergy, cleaning materials should be avoided. In bathrooms and kitchen, choose the bleach. And if you have pets at home, which requires the use of cleaning products, choose those that have no odor. The use of antiallergic items is quite controversial. Although they kill some mites – many resist because of the bark that covers them – they do not eliminate their feces, which are the major cause of respiratory attacks.

Fabrics for curtains, sofas and cushions

Choose synthetic ones, which can be washed, or fine material hairs. The wash should be monthly. Blind curtains, vertical or horizontal, can be used as long as your blades are cleaned every week with a damp cloth

Bed linen

It should be changed every week. Always remove it as if it were to create a bundle, joining the ends of the sheets and blankets. From there, bed linen should be taken directly to the washing machine. In this way, the human dandruff, released when we lie down and considered the nectar of the mites, does not escape to other corners of the room.

The mattress and pillow should be covered. If you can not afford a special anti-mite cover, use two pillowcases and two sheets. And avoid the plastic, material that ends up generating heat.

Air conditioning, climate control or fan?

Many say split air conditioning is more suitable for allergy sufferers. This is legend. Contrary to what many people say, the window cooler can also be used. Provided the blades and filter are cleaned every fortnight. The same goes for the split. Worth to draw attention to its use. Since climate change can cause allergies, it is important that air is switched on only when the allergic person spends a lot of time in the environment without getting in and out. The air conditioner is out of context. It humidifies the environment by creating fungi on the wall.

If you choose the fan, be aware of the pallets that should always be cleaned. Floor fans should be suspended at least one meter off the floor. This in a clean room.

Decorative objects

It is important that the resident uses as few elements as possible. The walls, for example, should not be decorated with many pictures. The computer tower must be installed in a place that allows it to be cleaned every 15 days. Try not to accumulate books, magazines, and papers in the room, the environment in which you spend most of your time. If this is not possible, try to store them in some furniture with doors, such as glass, wood or whatever material you prefer. source: guide-house.com

My hair grows asymmetrically, What is the reason?

Having long hair is not a simple task and maybe a little more complicated for girls who suffer from asymmetrical hair growth. That’s right, diva! Wires may be larger in some areas than in others. After all, who has never realized that hair grows more in the lower part than in the top of the head or vice versa? If you have identified with the theme, follow some tips and understand the reason for the asymmetry of the strands.


The order you follow to apply the products on the strands influences the symmetry and the shape of the strands. And this tip is worth more for those who have very large or very bulky hair. In these cases, it is usually normal to feel a little more tired at the end of treatments and finalizations. As a result, some of your wires end up getting more attention and care than others.

To prevent this problem from generating the asymmetry, try to alternate the sequence of product application in the wicks. If you usually start at the back of the neck, for example, try doing the opposite course for a few days.


Another factor that contributes to asymmetry is the constant use of chemical procedures. The process of changing the color or curvature of the wires also interferes with the functioning of the hair bulb.

It is common that at the time of application of the chemistry, the front of the hair receives the product in a more neat way. And the consequence of this attitude in growth is more evident for those who decide to go through the hair transition. Some girls who quit chemistry after a long time quickly realize that the strands grow more irregularly on top of the head.


If you suffer from asymmetrical growth, stimulating the scalp with vegetable oil massages can help. If you want an even more effective result, a good tip is to warm up the product a little bit to intensify the treatment. Just be careful with the temperature! Ideally, your oil should be warm and not hot.

To do the technique, simply apply the vegetable oil of your preference, with the tips of the fingers, to the root of your hair in circular movements. Repeat the process all over the head for 5 minutes, giving more attention to areas where the wires are smalle.

How to design a modern house?

Designing a house is not a task that should be taken lightly and even more so if it is about creating a certain style. The modern word can lead to many confusions because it is possible to associate it with tendencies that do not necessarily describe what the modern style in decoration means.

However, we could mention many features that make up a modern style house, although the characteristics common to modern style homes are usually the use of the contrast between white and black, with the gray color as intermediate tone, as well as the use of materials such as concrete or iron, often without decoration, with the aim of achieving a decoration with a simple character. If you want to have a house that shows sobriety and elegance, the modern style is perfect for you. From the facade to the last room, with a little inspiration, it is possible to make your dream house come true.

What should be taken into account in the planning of a modern style house?

The planning of modern house designs, regardless of the desired style, is an arduous task that requires reflection and consideration. notify considers it essential to take certain elements into account when designing a house in a modern style, such as the contrast between black and white and linearity in furniture made of materials such as metal or glass. For example, when designing your dining room, consider the possibility of acquiring tables with glass or iron details inside a room with white light, which could fit perfectly with the style you are looking for your home or department of modern style since it would accentuate the contrast of colors and textures that characterize the modern style. source:goodhomeids.com

Skirt: Why you must choose the ideal to value your look

Available in several models, cuts, lengths and fabrics, the skirt is a great alternative for those who like to get away from basic day-to-day jeans or want to bet on an elegant look for work without having to cover their legs. This is also a sure bet to give greater femininity and personality to production.

Some say the miniskirts are the most Brazilian, but according to fashion consultant Jamile Belo, the most used skirt models are “A” format, such as evasé and godê, and the classic pencil style.

No matter what your favorite cut, it is worth remembering that the biggest secret to choosing and composing a beautiful look is to think the combination that is in accordance with your style, with the occasion and – although there are no rules that effectively determine what you can or can not use – with your silhouette, after all, like every piece of clothing, skirts can also help to value or disguise parts of the body.

The characteristics that make the many variations of this type of piece more suitable for one or another situation are its color, its fabric, its length and the combinations that complete the look. “A straight skirt of fabric and sober colors can be worn with a thin pantyhose and scarpins to go to work and even out at night, combined with short-toed boots or heeled sandals,” exemplifies personal stylist Juliana Skliutas. source: onetrend.info

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