Male, 18 years of age. Student who runs. The client came into the clinic complaining of pain of pain in the (R) leg. The client said that he had just increase the client explained he experienced sharp pain through out the day, which reduces in (P) when running and comes back immediately after his run. The client stated that aggerated factors were high impact activities e.g. running and jumping, but cycling did not aggregate the symptoms.


On initial observation, the client had little arch on the inside of his feet. There was no bruising or scarring and he had full ROM on both legs but had (P) down the both legs on the lateral side of the tibia. The client strength was 5 out 5 on dorsi and plantar flexion, eversion and inversion of the foot.

The client seems be have tibial stress syndrome from the sudden over training in the past 2 weeks.

The client was advised to stop any impact activities, but to continue cycling. The client was given 20 mins on the game ready on both legs and was shown stretches to  stretch the tibialis anterior. The client has a follow up appointment in 2 weeks time, where if the (P) gone he will begin a walk to run programme.

25/04/19 Runner Medial tibial stress syndrome

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