Marjon’s Disability Support Slowing?

Plymouth Marjon University is renowned for it’s second to none support for its students. This support however, in the Disability and Inclusion Advice Service (DIAS) segment of Marjon has come under scrutiny from certain students who suffer with disabilities – claiming this support has yet to be given to them.

One student, who’s name won’t be mentioned, suffers from ADHD and autism. Both of which makes them struggle with day-to-day living alongside learning at university. They said: “I was told before I arrived (at university) that there would be a lot more support in place sooner”.

They went on to say: “I thought I’d be given support within the first couple of weeks but am yet to receive any support”.

DIAS is a hugely important branch of Marjon’s support network, so hearing their support isn’t being offered sooner poses the question as to how long of a wait is considered okay. Especially when considering DIAS can offer help to students who arguably need it most.

The student, having not received support in their time at Marjon so far believes the support is useful from what they have heard, stating: “It’s pretty good from what I have been told”.

It appears that the issue doesn’t lie in the DIAS’ ability to deal with students who suffer with disabilities, but instead in it’s urgency to deal with their matters. The student added to this saying: “It’s quite a long process”.

Questions have been raised as to whether more staff should be employed to the DIAS to mentor students or even if the branch should be expanded altogether. Another student, who again will remain anonymous, suffers from depression; proving hugely challenging given the different environment university puts them in. They said: “I’m unsure what kind of support is available to me altogether, because nothing has actually been put in place other than waiting for responses”.

Given the huge tuition fees students pay to study at Marjon, the DIAS’ support should be immediate and in excess for anybody suffering with disabilities. This not being the case, Marjon students suffering from disabilities believe this is something that should be put into review in order to receive the support they deserve.


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