03/01/2019: Mini Marjoneers Placement

My placement aim was to create a new programme at Plymouth Marjon FC with the aim of providing football provision to children from Year 1 to Year 3 at primary school. I would then deliver on this programme for the club.

The reason behind wanting to create this programme was so that Marjons could create its own players and teams for the future. The previous company that formed the initial youth teams at the club had started to have problems, and so it was deemed that the club could save money and improve the quality of coaching by beginning its own in-house programme.

At a meeting with Chris Smietanka to plan the project, an initial 5-6pm session was created that was available to all children (both boys and girls) in Year 1 to Year 3. The coaches to work alongside myself would be decided at a later date. Following on from this decision, we decided that £4 a session would be appropriate and that we would need consent forms to create a database of children as well as a social media presence to publicise and to keep parents informed which I would be charged with taking care of.

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