
Date: 08/06/2021

Hours: 5

Total hours: 123

This session started with a follow up appointment with a 72-year-old female with a history of breast cancer. The client had some complaints of sciatic pain down the left leg starting around the glute area. After an objective assessment, it was found that there was pain in Lx extension and SLR was restricted. The piriformis test was also performed and was positive, suggesting an impingement of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle. However, the pain in extension and struggling to sleep on their side, this suggested some disc problems such as herniated disc. Treatment was provided with exercise prescription to help strengthen the lower back and the lower extremity.


The next client seen was a follow up for right shoulder pain. After reassessment of the shoulder the client found an improvement in ROM and decreased pain during the week after having completed their exercises. Measurements were also taken using a goniometer to help assess progress. Client was advised to continue with exercises and modify movements when at work.


The final client seen was a follow up for a 17-year-old male with medial tibial stress syndrome of both ankles with left being the most effected. Upon objective assessment, it was identified that there was a limitation in DF and PF. Upon palpation there was tightness in the tibialis anterior muscles and in the gastrocnemius and the soleus muscles. Treatment provided was STM on the calf muscles and METs were performed at the ankle in DF and PF to help to lengthen the muscle and decrease pain. The client was advised to continue with exercises and to not “play through the pain” during a football match and allow the injury to rest when it flares up.


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