
Liberté, Égalité, Essence!

Liberté, Égalité, Essence!

It is plausible to say that the French are mentally hardwired to be the true proponents of liberty, as seen through the continuation of the recent Yellow Vest protests which have swept the urban sprawl of Paris and other metropolitan hubs of France. Yet, are these...

Hemingway: Still Worthy of Appreciation?

Hemingway: Still Worthy of Appreciation?

When one delves into that of that humanity’s universally lauded writers, one frequently consistent name presents itself – Ernest Hemingway. However, in this day and age of progressiveness and inclusivity, one can’t shed the underlying question as to...

Student Lifehack: washing up

Student Lifehack: washing up

It happens every day and I have to walk out of the room every time – because the urge to swipe the knife out of their hands and do it myself is too much. Living with seven other students, waiting in line to do the washing up is a given. Meal prep over, plate of food...

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