This page highlights a list of a select few blogs that have helped and inspired me during my first year with assignments and also to gain extra knowledge on the different modules. With each link I have included a small description of what they are about and which module they’ve related to as well.    – Anatomy and Physiology

This blog is all about health and fitness. It provides a good resource for both students and health professionals wanting to expand their knowledge in the health and fitness industry. There are resources providing things from textbook information to how to write a lab report to working in the fitness industry and more! This has proven a very useful resource for me during the Anatomy and Physiology module, I would highly recommend taking a look. – Musculoskeletal Assessment

This blog is all about everything sports rehab, from functional anatomy to clinical assessments It’s a great way to back up knowledge, revise theory learnt and practice clinical assessments from. There are sources providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to carry out practical assessments on a client with videos for demonstration and text to bac up and expand already learnt knowledge to go side by side with practical clinic experiences. This has prove an extremely helpful resources when looking at the musculoskeletal assessments due to the videos being a helpful tool to refer back to after practical lectures for extra revision and a different aspect of learning. – extra reading

This blog is all about the work that is carried out by the Derbyshire Sporting Joint at David Lloyd Leisure Club. They work to rehabilitate their clients back to fall active health from injury. The types of treatments that they offer include, physiotherapy, sports therapy, podiatry, sports massage, women’s health, reflexology, and Thai massage. I have used this blog as extra reading alongside my modules, in particular the soft tissue therapy module, to aid my learning and to support my clinical hours and reflections.