Session 43

STYC01 Clinical Reflections

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
25/04/19 Marjon Clinic 1 Hour In this session I massaged my client’s shoulders for 1 hour in the sports massage clinic.
Reflective Summary Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
Today I massaged my client’s shoulders as they are sore after rock climbing.  I confirmed which medium the client would prefer me to use, in this case that was massage. I consistently ensured that the pressure I am using is ok with the client which in this case was heavy, so I eased the pressure I was using. When finding tender areas, I further decreased the pressure I was using. At the end of the massage I asked the client for their feedback and if that had any recommendations for things I could do in the future. After completing the massage, I need to make sure that I thoroughly wipe down the bed because this will ensure the next client has a clean bed. When I have finished massaging the client, I need to remember to replace any medium that I have used the last of this will help the next massage therapist in their preparation.


Returning to reflections at a later date
Things to remember:

1.     Clean down the bed thoroughly

2.     Replace medium when it is finished


For office use only: