Session Nine

STYC01 Clinical Reflections

Date Location Total Amount of Hours Overview of Session
25/02/19 Marjon Clinic 1 Hour In this session I massaged my clients Calves for 1 hour in the sports massage clinic focusing on gastrocnemius.
Reflective Summary     Areas for further Improvement plus action plan
During the massage today I massaged my clients calves as after walking it had become sore.  I confirmed which medium the client would prefer me to use, in this case that was massage lotion.

I consistently ensured that the pressure I am using is ok with the client which in this case was good, I maintained the pressure I was using. When finding tender areas, I decreased the pressure I was using to prevent further hurting the client.

Massaging this client’s calves has helped me improve my use of my knuckles to complete massage techniques and build confidence in using my knuckles.

During the massage, I need to ensure that I increase the height of the bed because it will prevent straining my back. When I have finished massaging the client, I need to remember to lower the bed for them to get off.



Returning to reflections at a later date
Things to remember:

1.     Lower bed

2.     Raise bed


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