Placement 9-1-19 (4 hours)

Mount Charles

A new year has made me excited to go make to coaching. I found out that I would be teaching Tchoukball at Mount Charles Primary School. Tchoukball was a game I had learnt at university and was a new game that I believe would be well like from children. My initial feeling before I went to Mount Charles was of strong anxiety because I had not coached in about 3 weeks and also your not sure how the students will take to you.

Year 3

I explained to Year 3 what sort of coach I am. I said that I am a firm but fair coach and if you step out of line I will remove you from my class because previous experience has shown me that it is arguably one of the best ways to ensure a session runs smoothly. I shared the fact that I normally make my session plans (see below) as fun as a they can be as long as I get 100% effort and full compliance with them which they seem to buy into which was promising. The session was focused around passing and also explaining the rules because they can become confusing so I did my best to explain it with demonstrations in its simplest form. I felt like the session went extremely well and behaviour was exceptional and any nerves I had have now gone.

Year 4

Year 4 struggled with the rules especially, they could not quite grasp that the ball needed to land back into the court once it had come off the rebounder. I took the initiative to sit the whole group down and do a slow down play of a game of Tchoukball to show what is required when we play. They found this easy to take in, next we looked at passing and passing games which slowly worked into a competition between the class where we looked at seeing how many passes we could do in 1 minute.

After school

For the after school club at Mount Charles all the children’s parents had paid for badminton for the whole term. This excited me because I could use what I learnt with my group at Treverbyn before Christmas on the next group on what works and does not work. After school clubs were less formal and should rarely contain drills as it is more aimed at just playing the sport. When the group actually turned up a lot of them said they had never played before which was fin by me because I used my parallel activity session again and let those who have played before play against each other and I took those who have not played before through the rules and fundamentals.

Session Plan

1. Tchoukball

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