Placement 21-11-2018 (8 hours)

St Marys 4 hours

I had been researching coaching techniques on and I came across an article on humour and the post looks at using humour in your sessions because it can open up lots of possibilities and make me much more relatable as a coach. Before I visited St Marys I was mindful of the weather because it was raining heavy outside and had no intention of stopping and my sudden fear was that could the session work in the hall.

Year 3

Referring back to the point of using humour, I wanted to make an extra effort with the class today to make it more humorous to see their engagement levels. The rain was still coming down heavy at midday which gave me no choice but to go into the hall which was smaller than the muga by quite some distance but as I realised in coaching that you have to be prepared for everything. The session was revolved around relay races, I used the hall to its full capability to ensure the session plan was carried out and I felt like making jokes with the class brightened the mood and I saw from their efforts as they performed better. The addition of teaching assistants really makes my job easier in terms of behaviour because they know if they misbehave their actual teacher will be informed and consequences following that.

Year 4 

The Year 4 class took part inside the hall. What I did notice between the two year groups I teach was the considerable size difference between them and it made the hall feel smaller than it is. What I did with this group was different to the first and I had them sat in the centre of hall and let one team at a time perform a relay race and instead of racing against each other I just timed the teams and compared at the end, this was a really good way of still incorporating everyone because they all wanted to win and they were so focused on other teams performances. I was really pleased with how it turned out and will try and implement something similar in the future if I am put in the same situation.

After School club Year 1+2

Again the after school club is less formal, we ended up doing a crossbow activity again because of how well it went down last time. I got the participants into teams with a whiteboard and a pen and gave them 10 minutes to fire at the target and add the score as they go and kept repeating this. This worked really well also because they loved competing against their friends.

Treverbyn 4 hours (Friday)

Year 5

Today at Treverbyn I knew we were working on a lot more complex techniques in terms of hitting a shuttle. I was worried how it would be received with the group with a number of pupils struggling even with some of the fundamentals of badminton. During the actual session I was surprised to see how well the group was doing with each task and I focused my attention then to the students that could not quite perform it. I took them their own part of the hall and introduced a balloon because it falls slower than a shuttle and you can perfect your hitting technique on a balloon. Before I arrived at Treverbyn I bought a pack of balloons just because I knew it was something I had seen done before and the benefits it possess would really help those that need it. Towards the end of the session I allowed for 10 minutes of doubles play. I partnered up with the year 5 teacher and played against the students which brought a smile to their face and they all wanted to try and beat us. Including yourself and a teacher in the session I believe is really powerful because they see their teacher doing something they would not normally do and the children want to show the teacher their skills so it works hand in hand.

Year 6

A football fixture left me with around half the group because the class was predominately boys. This was easily adapted with odd numbers as I stood in to partner people struggling and I put those that needed help together; this way they do not get disheartened from performing inadequately compared to a student who is finding the drills a lot easier. During the session I really wanted to test those finding it easy. I made progressions from previous knowledge and added hoops on the other side to test their accuracy. I then allowed a doubles game to finish, just to put them in a game like scenario and see how they got on.

After school club

Following from the success of Wednesday, I brought the kit from St Marys with the crossbows and I did the same activity with them where they all had whiteboards and a pen and I got them to tally their score. I also had a few extra targets to add to the session to add a little excitement element; this came in the form of small plastic cups which counted as 20 points. It was really nice to see their enthusiasm in trying to beat one another and I know in the future to definitely do this session with them again.

My overall feeling from the week again was being extremely pleased. When thinking about the plan,do and review process I am focusing more on the review aspect and taking the positives from each session and trying to transfer them into every session I deliver. The only thing that bothers me is that I do not feel I am quite getting through with some of the students at Treverbyn as they are struggling week in week out and so next week I may adapt my session without standard badminton equipment and introduce things that benefit badminton skills but without all the rackets, shuttles and so on.

Session Plans

badminton 3

3. Athletics lesson 3 Ks2[840]


Coaching out of the box (2017) How to use humour in coaching. [Online] Available from: [accessed 01 December 2018].


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