Placement 13-2-2019 (4 hours)

Mount Charles

Year 3 

Today was the final day of Tchoukball and I can honestly say that it has been a privilege to teach at Mount Charles for both year groups. Although we had a slight altercation at the start about health and safety and mistreating the equipment, that soon was forgotten about and I felt their eagerness to learn about a new sport which intrigued them from the offset. I explained that my final session with them would be based around key moments in a game of tchoukball which meant I needed to be shown demonstrations from the class. This was a way for me to see that they have understood everything I have taught them up to this moment and they were very impressive when recalling things like a “switch of play” or a “turnover”. This pleased me immensely because it was showing I was having an impact of this groups knowledge and skill.

Year 4 

Year 4 were a little bit boisterous for my liking because it was hard to fully engage them when they came in. After speaking to coaches within Go Active this was a common thing to happen where the students get a little over excited because there is either a half term or a holiday coming up. I just reasoned with the group and said you have been exceptional up to this point and there is no need to spoil it now. Once this was over I had everyone on board and again I got the group to show me different aspects of the game this also helps with other students who lack knowledge in tchoukball and aids them because they are more likely to remember it if they see a class mate or friend do it.

After school club

After School club was a really fun session. We started off playing mini game between one another and I felt that everyone in the group was capable of playing badminton to a basic level, this led us onto a game where I would stay one side of the court and they would be in a single file and we would play a game of me vs them where they take in turns trying to win a point against me. This after school session worked out very well and the school got back to my bosses to let them know that parents had been delighted with everything happening at the ASC.

Session plan

6. Tchoukball – Year 4.5.6 – Game Play[925]

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