Official 2020 Olympics

With the Olympics fast approaching, better book your tickets now! See you in the Japanese national arena in July 2020, ready for the opening ceremony. Google around, and make sure you know your Japanese for when you arrive in Haneda or Narita international airport, ready to go in Tokyo!

IOC Tokyo 2020!


Ajinomoto Stadium, Tokyo

James Allen’s F1

This sleek blog is a master class in news and design, with high quality presentation for an excellent blog page. Prepare yourself for the new season beginning soon, or catch up on what you missed with his James Allen’s blog found below:

James Allen on F1

Olympic countdown 2020

Begin the countdown to your Olympics now, as we head towards the opening  ceremony of Tokyo 2020! Make sure to mark your calendar, get learning your Japanese and grab a friend for the event of the decade. Even better, grab a group of buddies and attend or host a viewing party. Be sure to invite me!


Tokyo 2020 Olympic countdown

Sport Journals: Sport Psychology


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Cruickshank, A. & Collins, D. (2015) Illuminating and Applying “The Dark Side”: Insights From Elite Team Leaders. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 3: 249–267.

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