Clinical Hours

04-04-19 – Hours – 31-32

My client a returning female in her 2nd year at Plymouth Uni, studying fine art and also gym training 3x a week. The client was complaining of Leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, Biceps Formoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Both areas were tight to tough, and caused discomfort for my client, but was very pleased after the treatment. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

My client a male in his 2nd year at Marjon Uni, studying sports coaching and also gym training 3x a week. The client was complaining of back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezium, Rhomboid, Lavator Scapular. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

Clinical Hours

02-04-19 – Hours – 29 -30

My client a returning male in his 2st year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing football 3x a week. The client continued to complained of Quad tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis and Vastus Lateralis. Rectus Femoris felt tight to touch. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

My client a female in her 2st year at Plymouth Uni, studying fine art and also gym training 3x a week. The client was complaining of back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezium, Rhomboid, Lavator Scapular. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

clincial Hours

01-04-19 – Hours – 27-28

My client a female in her 1st year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing hockey 2x a week plus the gym training 2x a week. The client was complaining of back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezium, Rhomboid, Infraspinatus. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet), Tapotement were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

My client a male in his 2st year at Marjon, studying sports rehab and also playing football 2x a week plus the gym training 2x a week. The client was complaining of hamstring tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Bicep Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet), Tapotement were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

Clinical Hours

01-04-19 – Hours 25 & 26

My client a female in her 2nd year at Marjon, studying strength and conditioning and also playing netball 2x a week plus the gym training 3x a week. The clients was complaining of Quads tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, Vastus Medialis and Vastas Lateralis. Vastus Lateralis felt tight to touch, no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

My client a female in his 1st year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing netball  2x a week plus the gym training 2x a week. The client was complaining of back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezium, Rhomboid, Infraspinatus. There was no redness or bruising in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet), Tapotement were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

Clinical Hours

29-03-19 – Hour – 24

My client a male in his 2nd year at Marjon, studying sports Osteopath and also playing rugby 2x a week plus the gym training 3x a week. The clients was preparing for a match against Plymouth Uni and complained of Quads tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, Vastus Medialis and Vastas Lateralis. Sartorius and Vastus Medialis felt tight to touch, there was also bruising following along the Sartorius muscle. No redness in the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet), Tapotement were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, deep massage wasn’t used in this scenario. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

Clinical Hours

29-03-19 – Hour 21-23

My client a male, a pro golfer and worker for PING product specialist. His job requires long miles in a car, he plays golf in spare time and also gym 2 x week. The client complained of upper and lower back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezius, Rear Deltoid, Rhomboid, Erector Spinae and  Levator Scapulae. Erector Spinae and Trapezius felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown back and neck stretches to do daily and hold for at least 30 seconds.

My client a male in his 2nd year at Marjon, studying sports rehab and 5x a gym training. The clients complained of upper back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Trapezium, Levator Scapulae and Scalenes. Levator Scapulae and Scalenes felt tight to touch and had 3 X knots in the area. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown neck and back stretches to do daily and told each stretches for 30 seconds.

My client a male in her 2nd year at Marjon, studying strength and conditioning and also playing rugby 2x a week plus the gym training 3x a week. The clients was preparing for a match against Plymouth Uni and complained of claves being tight, the following muscles were targeted; Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Achilles Tendon. Gastrocnemius felt tight to touch. No redness, signs of deep vein thrombosis or bruising on the area. Effleurage (Eff) and Petrissage (Pet), Tapotement were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, deep massage wasn’t used in this scenario. Client was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated.

Clinical Hours

26-03-19 – Hours 19-20

My client a female in her 1st year at Marjon, studying sports rehab and also playing netballl 2x a week plus the gym training. The clients complained of leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Formoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL). TFL and Rectus Formoris felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Quad stretches to do daily.

My client a male in his 2st year at Marjon, studying sports therapy and also playing flag rugby 2x a week. The clients complained of leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Formoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL). TFL and Rectus Formoris felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Quad stretches to do daily.

Clinical Hours

25-03-19 – Hours 17-18

My client a female in her 3rd year at Marjon, studying sports rehab and also playing rugby 2x a week plus the gym training full body. The clients complained of calf tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Gastrocnemius and Soleus. Gastrocnemius and Achilles Tendon felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas or signs of deep vein thrombosis. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Calf stretches to do daily.

My client a  female in her 2st year at Plymouth Uni, studying dietitian and also training in cheerleading 2 x a week. The clients complained of upper back and shoulder tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rhomboid, Infraspinatus, Lavator Scapular and Rear Deltoid. Rhomboid and Rear Deltoid felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown back stretches to do daily.

Clinical Hours

21-03-19 – Hours 15-16

My client a female in her 1st year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing hockey 2x a week plus the gym training full body and netball. The client complained of leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Bicep Formoris, Adductor Brevis, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. Bicep Formoris and semimembranosus felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Hamstring stretches to do daily.

My client was a returning a male in his 1st year at Marjon, studying sports rehab and also playing football 2x a week plus the gym training full body. The clients continued to complained of leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Formoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL). TFL and Rectus Formoris didn’t feel as tight as before, but still had some tenson. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Quad stretches to do daily.

Clinical Hours

11-03-19 – Hours 13-14

My client a male in his 2nd year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing football 2x a week. The clients complained of leg tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rectus Formoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis and Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL). TFL and Rectus Formoris felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Quad stretches to do daily.

My client, a returning female in her 1st year at Marjon, studying sports coaching and also playing hockey 2x a week plus the gym training full body. The client continued to complained of back tightness, the following muscles were targeted; Rhomboid, Trapezium,  and Erector Spinae. Erector Spinae and Rhomboid felt tight to touch. No redness or bruising on the areas. Effleurage (Eff), Petrissage (Pet) were taken out on target areas to encourage blood flow and loosen muscles, also trigger points to loosen knots. Clients was advised to drink plenty of water after treatment to stay hydrated and also shown Rhomboid stretches to do daily.