STYC01 Clinical Reflection 10/12/18

On the 10thDecember I treated one of the men from the first football team. In previous matches he had been aggravated by a pain on the medial side of his Achilles tendon. I was there to give him a post sports massage to release some of the tension in his muscles.

Reflective Summary 

Before the client arrived, I cleaned the bed so it was in a hygienic condition, I collected the different types of massage mediums and I laid out the couch roll so the client would be kept as warm as possible. Once they had arrived, I checked for any contraindications and ensured that they were not allergic to any of the massage mediums. As they were not I could use the one that I found easiest to use on the skin which is bees wax. I then asked the client to lie face down on the bed and I placed a bolster underneath their ankles to prevent plantarflexion. I adjusted the height of the bed so it was suitable for me meaning I can protect my back as much as possible. I placed a towel above the hamstrings to protect their modesty. I focused the massage on the hamstring muscles and the calves. I started off with effleurage to increase the blood flow and moved into petrissage that allows you to get deeper into the muscle tissues while still warming them up. I used tapotement (mainly hacking) to assist in peristalsis. As well as using these techniques I have adapted some of them to suit me by using my thumbs, knuckles and forearm to get even deeper into the muscle tissue, releasing tension.

Areas for further improvement 

To improve for sessions in the future, I need to look at using alternative techniques which I am not as confident in but I will only get better at them by practicing. I could look at using vibrations that relax soft tissue, frictions which restore interfibre mobility or stretching techniques. These can be more beneficial to use as they are techniques which can achieve the same thing as soft tissue massage but in a shorter period of time.

Things to Remember 

  1. I made sure I was careful around the area of aggravation so I did not make it worse
  2. Check with the client if you are applying a suitable amount of pressure
  3. Ensure you are applying the treatment to the whole area of the muscle you want to affect




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