Summer Session – 5th August 2020 for 2 hours

In our final virtual summer session, we got given a variety of case studies where we considered exercises for the end stage of rehab. We specifically looked at a jockey with a shoulder dislocation, Bankart lesion and scaphoid fracture, a bin man who had sustained a meniscus tear and a professional NFL player who has a syndesmosis tear and ankle dislocation.

Reflective Summary

It is important to consider a variety of case studies with different pathologies, so that I can critically think about how I would rehab the client back to fitness.

The first case study we looked at was a jockey. It was important to be aware that a horse rider needs to have limited bodyweight therefore they may have a calorie deficit. This is something to remember when building strength, which is required in the late stage of rehab. Strength exercises that we thought would be appropriate for a jockey included core stabilisation like bear crawls and Nordic exercise, sumo squats and the Copenhagen adduction exercise.

Interestingly for a bin man, we need to consider exercises for occupational fitness. This included walking football while carrying weight, as this can be a fun way to replicate the job. We also thought about using side lunges, step ups and seated to standing with weight to replicate the bin man getting in and out of the lorry.

The final case study we evaluated was a professional NFL player with both a syndesmosis tear and ankle dislocation. It is important to remember that the sport is very position specific so the rehabilitation would have to be developed around this. This was interesting to learn as previously I had limited knowledge around this sport however, I am now aware how specific the rehab has to be in order for it to be successful.

Areas for further improvement

My first area for improvement would be to continue to increase my knowledge on different exercises that can be used within a rehabilitation programme. I also need to use exercise-based practice and critical thinking to ensure the exercises I select are safe, effective and specific to the client. I can do this by creating a bank of exercises for specific pathologies and conditions.

Things to Remember:

  1. For end stage rehab consider movement patterns and muscle groups used when selecting exercises
  2. Ensure rehab is specific to the client’s occupation, position in the sport etc
  3. It is essential to find out what the clients aim for rehab is. It is for functional, occupational or sport specific fitness
  4. The same exercises can be used but adapted for different populations such as professionals or sedentary adults
  5. Syndesmosis = ligament between the tibia and fibula










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