SWOT Analysis- 06/12/18

This SWOT analysis is based on a series of tests taken about myself on the 6th of December 2018.

My strengths:

Stress management: 74/100- Having a high score in the stress management test means that I am likely to be fairly able to deal with my stress levels, up until a certain amount. I could be put into situations that cause me stress. When facing a challenging situation the way I think about the situation helps me to overcome the stress of it through not worrying about the situation its self and whether it is challenging but focusing on my own perception of it because my analysis of the situation is what will stress me out and therefore perceiving things as less stressful it helps me to manage stress better.

Agreeableness: 4/5- Agreeableness is how friendly, compassionate and cooperative you are. I enjoy working in a team of people with a good work ethic and harmonic atmosphere. I am likely to avoid argumentative situations and, this helps me to keep the work environment calm and peaceful. This is a strength of mine as being able to avoid argumentative situations and stay calm when in confrontation allows me to way up the options of how to deal with the situation in a calm and respectful manner. This will be a useful skill in the workplace especially when looking to advance into a higher responsibility job.

Conscientiousness:4/5- Conscientiousness is how self-disciplined and organized you are. I am tidy, proficient, and organized, allowing me to be efficient at doing tasks and meeting deadlines. It makes me feel frustrated when I am unable to finish tasks however I overcome this by ensuring I allow myself enough time to complete them before the deadline and being prepared well in advance for all tasks I may be faced with. It makes me frustrated when I have to work with people who do not work in the same way that I do however I have adapted the skill to overcome this by taking on ideas and ways of working and finding a balance or middle ground to be able to work the way I want while incorporating other‘s ways of working too.

My Weaknesses:

Openness: 3/5- Openness is how open and curious you are as a person. Although I enjoy some amounts of change in my life, stability is much more preferred. The excitement of new experiences and variety is fun and enjoyable however, the feeling of familiarity and routine is more comforting and less nerve-racking.

Extraversion: 3/5- Extraversion is how outgoing and talkative you are as a person. I feel that I am comfortable working with others however, I do enjoy time to relax and collect my thoughts. It is important for me to work as a team and that I am familiar with that team I am part of. I do not work well with meeting new people as working in a team allows me to build relationships with one group of people which is more manageable.

Emotional stability: 3/5- Emotional stability is the ability to control your own emotions, notice the change of emotions in other but not be too sensitive to other’s emotions. I am able to notice my own and others emotions being aware of the change in behavior and help others with their emotions and not get too overwhelmed by them. I am able to cope with my own stress and pressure in a day to day life and still work effectively, however, if undue pressure or stress occurs this could change and I could become unable to control my emotions.

Opportunities to overcome my weaknesses:

Openness: Things that could help me to increase my ability to be open to change in life would be to make sure that when I know that change is approaching for example new house, new job, etc. I should prepare myself as much as possible to ensure that I am ready for the impact that the change will have on my life allowing me to adapt and develop myself into any kind of change in my life.

Extraversion: Being able to work with a team of people and having the confidence outwards and being able to be talkative could help you to improve your work allowing you to bounce ideas off colleges and adapt them within your own work improving your quality of work. By considering jobs that will confront this issue and introduce me to a variety of new people and increase my ability to adapt to that as well as still having my own time to reflect and produce individual work will help me to overcome this weakness and turn it into a strength.

Emotional stability: I can cope with pressure up to a certain point and therefore when being faced with a high-pressure situation such as a job interview to ensure that I prepare myself well in advance to avoid being overwhelmed. Being organized and prepared is something that will help me overcome this weakness and turn it into a strength. By displaying a balance between showing that you are in control of your own emotions and also being able to notice others will allow you to increase your emotional stability.

When dealing with or confronted with a stressful situation consider the factors of that situation for example, can you change the outcome in any way? If you cannot change it then you should not stress about it, that will help you to stay calm and figure out ways in which you can deal with the situation.

Threats that could stop me overcoming my weaknesses:

Openness: A threat to me not improving my openness and be more confident in trying new things would be my ability to be open, I am likely to not be open to change, for example, switching jobs or starting a new one. As this would be a change in environment, workplace, job role, and location it is possible that I could back out of it due to too many components of my life outside of my control, having to be altered which could scare me off as there is not enough routine and stability.

Extroversion: As I am not extremely extrovert it is possible that when faced with a new or nerve-racking situation that my nerves could get the better of me affecting my performance in an interview situation by targeting my talkative side. This could mean that because I am nervous I talk way too much and not give the interviewer a chance to talk or it will silence me stopping me from showing my true self out of fear of saying the wrong thing. I need to be able to find a balance between the two so I can listen to the questions that the interviewer asks me and give them a well thought out answer that does not show to much, however, shows just enough to make a good impression.

Emotional stability: As I am able to balance the level of sensitivity to work with other a high responsibility position would be good for myself to take on as I can show compassion and sensitivity to others however, I could potentially be a treat to myself due to not wanting to take on the pressure and stress associated with this job role and therefore becoming a treat and barrier from development for myself. It is important that although wanting to be calm and collected that I think about putting myself in high pressured environments and challenging myself more to help overcome this barrier to my own self-development within my personality and within the workplace.

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