23/09/2020- Marjon Clinic Online Introduction- 2.5hrs

23/09/2020- Marjon Clinic Introduction- Online- 2.5hrs

What was covered:

  1. What’s going on in the clinic
  2. Housekeeping rules
  3. Data protection regulations
  4. Government guidelines of the present
  5. How to use the booking system: Cliniko
  6. Standard operating procedures
  7. First aid is performed by the supervisor that sat, the location of the first aid kit, AED, and accident report forms.
  8. Making sure to put elderly people on a stable chair, not a wheely stall.
  9. Which bins are used for general waste and which are used for PPE.
  10. Personal data and special category data
  11. Procedure for supplying clients with their documents if they request them
  12. Notes must be completed on the day by the end of the day they were taken.
  13. Uniform specifications

This session made me feel more confident about working in the clinic when it comes to it. I liked how everything was prepared and it enabled us to know the standards expected of us when treating clients in the clinic.

After next week’s session in the clinic, it will be easier to see upfront how the clinic runs and feel more comfortable in the environment to be able to perform clinical tasks and treat clients.


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