11/02/2020- Argaum Placement- Training- 1.5hrs

During this session, I spent 1.5 hours in the training clinic providing treatment for any players that required it before their training session. In today’s session, A player that has been struggling with Chronic shoulder instability for a while with repetitive shoulder dislocations has been able to take the time to come and have an assessment done. After a shoulder assessment, the player did not seem to be showing any signs of injury through positive special tests however, he was getting small 2/10 pains during a few movements. For the rest of the session, I moved on to different types of resisted movements this player could do running through a full session using resistance bands to help stabilize the muscles surrounding the glenohumeral joint (shoulder). I also showed the player what exercises may come in handy to enhance these movements and strengthen the muscles further when they return to the gym using the weights provided in the treatment room.

Areas for improvement:

Once we had finished the session, the player stated that they found it very useful, they did not realize how simple the rehabilitation was and that they enjoyed it. However, it occurred to me that I did not write down the exercises for the client to tell them how frequently they needed to be doing them before they rushed off to the training pitch. This is my fault for not being organized enough and managing my time correctly. This, however, does allow me to write down the exercises and give an explanation of what they are, how to do them and the benefits of using that exercise for the client in a more professional manner. However, next time I must learn to keep an eye on the clock and manage my time better, write out a list of exercises as I show the client to them and give it to them before they leave. This then allows them to get on with the exercises at home while I type up an official program for them to follow.

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