Arguam Placement- 17/10/19- 1.5hrs

During this training session,  the player from the previous game with the suspected sprained ankle came to get it assessed. The initial observation of this player is that they came in limping suggesting that they were not fully weighted bearing on the injured side. Active and passive movements caused them pain especially on the medial side of the foot when inverting the foot and pain in the lateral side of the foot when everting. The patient had no pain on the talar tilt special test until the end of the range, however, they had slight gapping when performing the syndesmosis squeeze test at the knee and pain radiates through the ankle ligament area suggesting that there was a high ankle sprain. Upon this discovery, the player was told to go to the doctors and get a scan to determine the grade of the sprain that had occurred to enable the correct treatment, or if they needed surgery. 

The second half of this session included doing a taping of a supraspinatus impingement of the shoulder using another technique and  K-tape to help support the shoulder but allow more movement during the training session as the rigid taping for this player felt restrictive of the position they play and did not allow them full movement.  Another taping technique I used was using k-tape and rigid taping for a previously sprained wrist that was causing the player pain so I started by putting a long strip of K-tape down the length of the arm from the mid-forearm to the scaphoid and then put a small bit of k-tape across the wrist from left to right adding a stretch to the center of the wrist. I then used rigid tape to wrap around the wrist 3 times to add stability to the wrist when training. 

Areas for improvement:

This session again was trial and error with the supraspinatus taping and I am trying to find out what works with the client best, it would be beneficial for me to learn more ways of taping to allow me to provide more options for this player to allow them to decide which one works best for them and not settling for the best of a bag bunch.


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