Argaum Placement- 05/11/19-1.5 hrs

During this session, we had a player return from being out of training the last few weeks, they had been to the hospital after the game on the 12/10/19 and had confirmed that they had a sprained ankle. This was good to reflect back on due to the advisories given to the player and the suspicions we had for the injury they took the time off we suggested as well as going to the hospital. Now that the client is able to fully weight bear we will be able to start using rehabilitation techniques to begin stability and strengthening of the structures surrounding the ankle to help prevent this from occurring again. 

After this training session, a player came down to the treatment room for a shoulder assessment as they had hurt their shoulders during the training session. Upon assessing the shoulder, scapula and humerus was dropped down suggesting a possible subluxation and the advice given to this patient was to go to hospital and get it checked out just in case, the client was guarding the shoulder and trying to support it with their uninjured arm, they also had a grimace on their face as if they were experiencing pain which when asked they were scoring an 8/10.

There was no hesitation to send this player to the hospital and wait for results back before starting any treatment on this player.  

Areas for improvement:

Now I know that the player has a sprained ankle it is important for me to research and revise the methods of rehabilitation used to help optimize this client’s recovery. This sort of information should already be in my knowledge however, including some revision around the topic will only increase my ability to provide treatment for this player.

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