29/02/2020- Argaum Game- Pitchside- 2hrs

During this session, I spent 2 hours pitchside where I provided treatment and assessment for any injuries that occur. During this game, there were two potential concussions where the players were showing signs of concussion and after reporting the situation to the referee they were both asked to leave the pitch for further assessments. 

The next injury of the game was a potential ankle sprain when the player was complaining of pain in the lateral side of the ankle and felt a ‘pop’ as they landed on their ankle. The player was taken off the pitch ice was applied and further assessment was completed such as palpation a compression bandage was then added once the ice was removed having been on the injury for 15 minutes to help keep the swelling to a minimum.

The next injury of this game included a laceration to the lip of a player, as they went into a tackle the knee of the opposing player went into the face of this player causing their tooth to go through their lip due to not wearing a mouthguard. This player was given gauze to stop the bleeding but was sent to the minor injuries clinic on the other side of the road.

The final injury of this game was a dislocated shoulder. The player claimed they had pain after they relocated the shoulder themselves but after going through ROM the pain eased and they decided to go back on the pitch and continue to play the remainder of the game.

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