Albion training- 01/04/2021-4hrs

01/04/2021: Albion Training-4hrs

During this training session, I Treated 3 players in the treatment room prior to the training session, the first player had massage and stretching of the upper back and shoulders to help increase mobility and release any tension. The second player had a lower back massage to help with tension in the lumbar spine due weak glutes and incorrect glute firing pattern causing tension in the paraspinal muscles and the quadratus lumborum (QL). With the second player I also worked on glute activation before the training session as part of the warmup to ensure they were firing prior to training to help relieve the stress off the spine during training. This was part of a prehab session to avoid injury or further worsening of the player’s current condition. The final player I treated was K-tape of the knee for stability while training but allowing movement to occur to not hinder the player during training.

After the treatment room we proceeded to the pitch for training where the players participated in anaerobic games for the first time since returning from lockdown and therefore the payers fitness levels had decreased due to the prolonged rest period. This meant that players were struggling to complete the level of intensity of the training session and one who suffers from asthma required their inhaler.

Areas for improvement:

Prior to this session, the player with asthma did not give us their inhaler for our kitbag and therefore when they required their inhaler, we had to go into the changing rooms to find the persons inhaler from their personal belongings while they took a rest on the side of the pitch. This is something that for future we need to request they give us their inhaler prior to the training session so we can be prepared for them needing it and be able to give it to them straight away. This player didn’t have an asthma attack luckily, they were able to notice their symptoms and identify difficulties with breathing and reduced intensity immediately until they were able to take their prescribed inhaler and continue with the training session.

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