Argaum Placement-24/10/19-1.5hrs

During this session, I performed a MET, which is also known as autogenic inhibition. Autogenic inhibition is an active technique of sub-maximal contraction of a muscle followed by the stretching of the same muscle. The muscle tension caused by the stretch the Golgi tendon organ in the muscle belly is activated allowing the muscle to be stretched further.

This technique includes 10- 15 seconds isometrically contracting the muscle against the resistance of a therapist followed by 5 seconds of rest and repeated 3 times stretching the muscle to its maximal range of motion each time. for this client, this technique was used on the hamstrings using a straight leg raise. This is where the client lies on their back and lifts their leg in the air while leaving the other flat on the bed and when keeping their leg straight they lift it as high as they can to their maximal stretch and this is the starting point of the activity. It is important before you start to stretch this leg that you measure the height as a starting measure to see if there has been any kind of improvement.

During this session, I also did a massage on the hamstrings using effleurage and petrissage technique to warm up the muscles but not work them too deeply to ensure they do not feel weak or unstable during the training session. 

Areas for improvement:

During this session, I do not feel as though I had any areas for improvement as I was familiar with all the techniques I used, why I needed to use them and was able to explain to the client the reasoning behind it. However, there is one thing I would like to see an improvement in and that’s the number of people who come for pre-training treatment not just due to injuries but to help prevent injuries and warm up the muscles before starting a training session.

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