05/03/2020- Argaum Placement- Training-1.5hrs

During this session, I spent 1.5 hours in the training clinic performing a knee assessment on a player with a knee injury. After observation, palpation, active, passive, resisted ROM, special tests, and functional movements this injury seemed to be presenting itself as an MCL injury most specifically the Valgus stress test for the MCL was positive which is a key sign of an MCL tear or rupture. 

I also performed 2 Scat5 tests on the players that had suspected concussion in the previous game. One player was still showing signs of concussion and the other was not showing any signs anymore. Both players were sent to their doctors to get checked out and cleared and once both have been cleared by a medical professional they will begin their return to play while being kept under observation until all stages have been completed.

Areas for improvement:

My confidence when doing objective and subjective assessments has been increasing however when it comes to starting potential injuries I tend to lose it. This is because I rarely have to perform this kind of assessment and it would benefit me and my clients greatly if I went out past case studies used by my university lecturers to help me to get used to how they are laid out as well as revising common pathologies and their signs and symptoms. 

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