FullBody Workout Week 3 and 4

Full body workout: Week 3 and 4

Warm up: Rowing for 10 minutes working at 50-60% of max heart rate

Max heart rate=  Approx 196bpm

50-60%= approx 98- 118bpm


Must be dynamic to keep body warm: 

  • Circle the arms forward
  • Circle the arms backward
  • Swing arms across chest
  • Trunk rotation
  • Hip rotations (circular both ways)
  • Sumo squat walks
  • Lunges
  • Open the gate
  • Close the gate
  • Shoo the chickens (touch toes while walking keeping foot flat on the floor sweeping arms through each time)

To superset, 2 exercises are required to be completed with minimum rest targeting antagonists (opposing muscles) eg, triceps and biceps. 

To Tri set, you must complete all 3 exercises in one set targeting the same muscle group for 10 repetitions each eg, dumbbell flyes, bent arm pullover and decline press , all target the chest (pectorals) 10 reps of each should be performed without a rest inbetween followed by a 30 second rest in between each 30 reps done.

Exercise   Sets  Reps  Weights

Increase if can do 10 with ease for following set. 

Rest time in between sets
Superset 1:

Bench press (working anterior and medial deltoids, pectorals)

Bent over dumb-bell raises (T) (working Lateral deltiod)

3 10 10kg bench press

5kg (each arm) bent over dumbbell raise (T).

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest: 90 seconds 
Superset 2:

Leg curl (Hamstrings)

Leg extension


3 10 20kg 15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest:  90 seconds
Superset 3:

Leg raises



(lower back/erectors)

3 10 Body weight for leg raises

20 kg for deadlift

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest:  90 seconds
Superset 4:

Barbell curl

Lying tricep extensions

3 10 10kg barbell curl

10kg lying tricep

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest: 3 minutes
Tri Sets 

Dumbbell flyes

Decline press

Bent-arm pullover

3 10 5kg each arm for dumbbell flyes

10kg for decline press

5kg for bent arm pull over

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest  90 seconds 


Leg press 

Weighted lunge

3 10 10kg squat

20kg leg press

10kg- 5kg each hand

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets

Rest: 90 seconds

Russian twists


Heel touches

3 10 5kg medicine ball for russian twists

Crunches and heel touches= bodyweight

15 seconds in between the 2 exercises 

30 seconds between sets


Resistance band work for shoulder stability: 

3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise followed by static shoulder strengthening exercises

  • Internal rotation 
  • Internal rotation 90-90
  • External rotation
  • External rotation 90-90
  • Pull downs
  • Rows
  • Abduction
  • Adduction

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